Creative Ideas For Turning Household Items Into Packing Supplies
ShareWhen you're preparing some of your household items for storage, it's beneficial to invest in some quality packing supplies from your local storage and moving company. With things such as bubble wrap, clear plastic wrap and other essentials, you'll be able to keep your items secure during the move to the storage facility and while they're actually in storage. Occasionally, if you find that your storage needs to surpass the available supplies you've bought, you'll find yourself needing to use items from around the home to secure your possessions. Don't opt for the easy choice of newspaper — the ink can stain lighter-colored items, not to mention your hands. Instead, here are some useful alternatives to use.
Shredded Paper
While newspaper isn't ideal for packing your possessions, shredded paper is. The ink on standard pages that you print at home or get in the mail isn't as transferable as newspaper ink, which means that it's less likely to rub off onto your items. Run a number of letter- or legal-sized pages through your household shredder, collect the shreds in a large bag and use them, as needed, to pack around your items. You can cram several handfuls of shredded paper into a box that holds fragile items to provide a high degree of protection.
Old Linens
If you're upgrading bedding, towels or other linens, you don't need to necessarily get rid of the old ones. Instead, use scissors to rip them into long strips that you can use as packing material. Using these items is economical and also good for the environment, given that you won't be sending them to the landfill. When it comes to towels, only use those that are less fluffy; thick, fluffy towels can make a mess when you cut them, and you probably won't want this mess sticking to your possessions.
Grocery Bags
Many households have surplus spare grocery bags, and you can easily use these products as last-minute packing supplies. First, check to make sure that each bag you plan to use doesn't have any holes. Then, begin squeezing the air out of the bag until it forms of a pocket of air of the size you need to fill the void between your items and the box they're packed in. Holding the top of the bag tightly, tie a knot in the top of the bag so you essentially have a bag partially full of air.